Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Trip to local pet store

Seeing as how Storm has been so good lately, well for the most part... I decided to take her to our local pet store. And, of course I had to take my new camera, because you just never know when those adorable shots are going to happen. Storm was the absolute perfect pooch in the store. She did not bark, only bad thing she did was sniff where other dogs had left a little memo. People came to pet her and she was perfect.

But, you know what really gets me is the fact that, a man had a little Jack Russel in the buggy and that little dog was yapping it's head off when another person or dog came around. People were saying, "ooooh you're gonna eat me up huh?". That dog just kept on barking... What do you think they would have done had it been my dog barking? I would have probably been kicked out of the store and been accused of having one of "those vicious dogs". Now I ask you, does that picture look like a vicious dog to you???


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!

Those are the cutest pictures! I really want to find a big honey bee costume for Cody, with a big stinger for his tail! That would be cute. I wish I could sew!

We went to the funeral today for Belle, I will be posting pictures on my blog as soon as my mom sends them to me.


Conners said...

Well I see you finally got your camera! Com'on now! The nostrols of her nose? Sheesh! Poor Storm! Mommy is really getting carried away!
I love the hats on her. Did you buy her any or just fun taking pics. She seemed to enjoy you trying them on her. She should be in modelling! A great career move don't you think?!
About the other dog yapping and barking...doesn't seem like the owner did much to stop it. *sheesh* How annoying! I could well imagine the looks we would get before being asked to leave. But then, our girls have manners because we taught them. What's wrong with the others owners? Do they think people don't get annoyed when their dogs bark? It's only common curtesy to teach your dogs that costant barking is considered rude and inconsiderate. *sheesh* Some people are just brain dead!

Amstaffie said...

At PetSmart, they had all kinds of full body costumes... a cow, a frog, a lady bug, and they may have even had a honey bee, but I can't remember exactly. My mom and I were having so much fun taking pics of Storm everyone was standing by watching, then they would come up & pet her. One of the guys that worked there, which was cute by the way, asked if I had just gotten her, I said nope, I've had here for almost 2 years, she's just my baby! Then he proceded to talk about his Budwiser linage pit.

Welcome back Connie! Storm probably can't see now because of all the camera flashing going on!
At the pet store, the only time Storm will bark is if I tell her to. But since this dog was being annoying, I told her we'd be quiet today.

jade said...

Choose keeping a positive phrase in regards to the pit fluff breed, or possibly the animal's identify, to embroider. having a pet