Friday, May 05, 2006

From Boxers to Pitbulls

This email was forwarded to me by a boxer mom. We need more pitbull friends like this. Please sign the petition at the end of the posting. Below it states MySpace, but I know some of us are using blogspot just for this purpose. Won't you please help save a friend?!?!

Here is more up to date info on Breed Specific Legislation: That bill was already passed, but ammended to require by law that certain breeds be spayed and neutured.
:==: :==: :==: :==: :==: :==: :==: :==: :==: :==:
Previous Woof Sent: 05/02/06 12:00 am Woofed From: Xia Woofed
To: All Boxers
Subject: Pitbulls
I realize I am not a Pit, however one of my good friends is and he is so sweet. I think I have a crush on him. Please check this out.

This is about a California legislation being passed to exterminate pit bulls. If it passes in California, it could be on it's way to other states. They will euthanize all Pit Bulls in the state is this law is passed!!! Someone has to try to make a difference...what if it were your pet? It would be great if Myspace could be used for something good other than getting dates. Please pass the word along and post this so as many people can see this as possible.
you can go to this site and sign the petition, and there is information on how to stop the ban:


Anonymous said...

Andee, I am happy to help. Because if we let them do this, what breed is next? I love my pitt friends....PUNISH THE DEED NOT THE BREED!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Andee, I agree, the breed is not the one to blame but the owners irresponsible treat or care, not everyone should have a Pitt Bull then, what can be done? special permission? capacitation? Information about this breed is the key, and not only to the owners but to everyone else, because most of the times they just react when they feel threatened, people should know better that any breed if scared will react, but of course I understand if someone prefers to receive a scare from a chihuahua than a pitt bull
